Tips on What to Expect from Your Initial Free Phone Consultation and Beyond

The thought of hiring a Professional Organizer can be intimidating, or even scary. People usually tell me they are worried about being judged, or that they are sure I've never seen a mess like theirs. They are also worried that it will cost too much money or they have great intentions of trying to tackle it by themselves some day. But what if it could just be done and it could be off of your mind?
I am a Professional Organizer and I love giving people a clear image of what to expect when they contact me so that I can ease your fears and you can be less intimidated by the process.
With these tips I hope you can gain a clearer understanding of what I can do for you and how the process is not as difficult or long as you think.
Tip #1 - Take the first step and reach out!
I know this is a big one for you. This is the hardest step, I promise. Finally getting to the bottom of that area that's been driving you nuts or a space that is not functioning for you. It's a hard step to reach out to someone and ask for help, but I am here for you! You can tell me what your problem areas are, what your goals are and I can answer any questions or listen to any concerns you have about the project.
I will have you take pictures of the area or areas you are wanting organized and I will look at them and give you an estimate so that you have a clear understanding of how much time it will take and what the price will be.
Tip #2 - Your session
You've booked the session and the day is finally here! You can choose for the work to be done for you or with you. I understand that you are busy and that is why you have called me. I want to work the way that works for you. I will have discussed the process and how it works during our free phone consultation.
I want you to know that while I will encourage you to simplify your life and part with things, I am not trying to get you to part with sentimental things. I am there to help you discover what truly is important to you and what is not. I will also never get rid of anything you haven't approved and I will always make sure the system we set up for your space works for you! This is your space after all. If it doesn't function for you, it's just not functional. That is why I am here, to ease your every day problem areas. This isn't about perfection, this is about reducing your stress by removing every day clutter. This is a huge step in gaining time back in every day life.
"Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions" – Barbara Hemphill
Tip #3 - We're done!
My clients usually think it will take so long to get done with a space because it's been so overwhelming for them to start the project. Even on big projects I can usually get done in a session or two. I'm not trying to waste your time or money. I can also do a set amount of hours to just get you started or I can break the session up into multiple sessions to make it work for your budget.
When I am done with a session I load a carload of garbage and recycling into my car to take away for you. I provide additional trips if needed for an additional small fee.
Tip #4 - Follow Up
I like following up to see how everything is going with the systems that are setup, but if you ever have questions or need advice on decluttering, organizing, or need a refresh down the road, I'm always a phone call away!